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Gnathology – a field of dentistry known to few

Die Gnathologie ist der Bereich der Zahnmedizin, der sich mit der Funktion und Struktur der Zähne und des Kiefers befasst. Kenntnisse auf diesem Gebiet sind für gesunde Zähne und Kiefer

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About gum disease in general

Periodontal disease is one of the most common oral health problems and can lead to a number of serious health problems. Gingivitis and periodontitis are associated with deterioration of the

Fogászati kezelések Sopron.

Simple steps for proper dental hygiene

Dental hygiene is very important to keep the teeth and the whole oral cavity healthy. It is a set of dental procedures and methods that help prevent tooth decay, periodontal

Fogorvosi Rendelő Sopron

Root canal treatment to save teeth

Root canal therapy is one of the most frequently performed dental procedures, with which we can save damaged, diseased teeth. During the treatment the inside of the tooth root is

Kieferknochenaufbau: Wichtiger Eingriff zur Wiederherstellung des Kieferknochens für stabile Zahnimplantate. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Methoden!

About dental bleaching in general

There are many reasons why teeth can become discoloured and yellowish over the years. Eating habits, smoking, and the passage of time all contribute to this problem. Fortunately, teeth whitening

Láthatatlan fogszabályozás Sopron.

Orthodontics – summary in 4 paragraphs

Orthodontics is a dental procedure that aims to properly position the teeth and jaw, create an aesthetic smile and a healthy bite. The treatment involves the use of various types

Bemutatkozás Coradent fogászati rendelő Sopron.,

What is a CBCT imaging and why is it needed?

If you are seeking dental treatment, you may have heard of the CBCT imgaing. This next-generation diagnostic tool is a 3D imaging technique that gives the doctor the most accurate

☃️Our practice is closed between December 21rd and January 5th. ☃️