Denti® and Nobel Biocare® implants with the help of the unique SmartGuide® 3D navigation technique!
Your chewing, smile and confidence will be great again!
Dental check-up right away.
We know the solution for bone loss!
No more moving dentures.
Anästhesie, IV. Sedierung.
It is a perfect dental solution with which we fix your realistic dental prosthesis.
We place the Denti® implant system’s titanium screws into the jaw with millimeter accuracy thanks to the Smart Guide® navigation technology, then we apply your beautiful prosthesis: the dental crown, dental bridge of even your current denture.
As for functionality, a dental implant is extremely similar to the roots of the original teeth, as it evenly dissipates pressure coming from chewing.
It prevents further bone loss, thus the face keeps its natural shape.
Having a delicious steak or a huge green apple won’t be a problem anymore.
Screws and rolls of Denti® implants are made of fine titanium. Due to their threads and micro-roughing they have great osseointegration capability, so they lead forces during the chewing process evenly in the bone, thus preventing further loss of bone structure.
Formation of the dental implant is very similar to the natural roots of teeth, thus providing primer stability to the prosthesis, which is the key to every successful implantation.
Denti® has immediately loadable dental implants, so you can go home with a beautiful and realistic dental prosthesis even on the day of the treatment!
Nobel Biocare® has been the first company on the world who started to design dental implants. Considering their innovative technology, reliability and durability we can call their products the Rolls-Royces of dental implants.
Due to the application of the unique Smart Guide® navigation technology, implantation happens with great precision and safety.
Nobel Biocare®’s global safety and quality assurance gives the implants serious guarantee considering cleanness and operation.
Dental Specialists has to meet serious pre-requirements and they have to take part in several trainings at an international level to become able to use this technology.
Our innovative dentistry entirely met all requirements!
Perfect dental implanting can be carried out only with modern technology and instruments. For this reason we use Smart Guide® planning and navigation technology in our surgery.
We upload CBCT image (3D x-ray image ) of your dental condition to the software and we digitally plan the steps of the treatment with millimeter accuracy to provide the perfect smile.
After the planning we prepare your individual surgical template which helps to locate the right place of the dental implants, thus excluding the possibility of a mistake. Further advantage is that with this technique the surgical wound is smaller, making healing a faster process!
With the help of the system we have implanted hundreds of implants!
Dental implant price in Sopron, Hungary | |
CBCT imaging | 80 € |
1 x Denti® implant | 500 € |
1 x abutment | 200 € |
1 x metal-ceramic crown | 300 € |
Total | 1080 € |
*To be able to give you an accurate treatment plan with price we need to know more about your dental situation.
Dental bridges prices in Sopron, Hungary | |
CBCT imaging | 80 € |
2 x Denti® implants | 2 x 500 € |
2 x Implant abutments | 2 x 200 € |
2 x metal-ceramic crowns | 2 x 300 € |
1 x bridge | 300 € |
Total: | 2380 € |
*To be able to give you an accurate treatment plan with price we need to know more about your dental situation.
Complete anaesthesia in a stress-free environment.
You will enjoy eating just as in the good old times.
Nobody will know you have prosthesis.
Moving dentures will not cause any more inconvenience.
We prevent jaw bone atrophy.
Fixed prosthesis does not cause lisping, articulation will be easy again.
Only 56 minutes by car.
With state-of-the-art quality.
Painless treatments, stress-free environment.
If you honestly keep our regulations.
Our surgery uses modern anaesthesia, so the treatment will not cause any pain. According to 98,5% of our asked patients, the procedure is painless.
After the treatment you may feel smaller inconveniences, sensitiveness or gingival tumefaction, but these symptoms do not last long.
1. Free consultation: We do a dental check-up and discuss options.
2. Making treatment plan: Panoramic imaging and 3D X-raying (CBCT) and the preparation of treatment plan.
3. Setting appointment: We discuss the first surgical intervention (screw implanting).
4. Healing period: After the implantation 4-6 months of healing starts so screws have the time for osseointegration.
5. Impression making: We apply implant heads, make an impression and send them to the dental laboratory.
6. Handover of realistic dental crown/bridge: In 7-14 days we apply the beautiful new prosthesis.
7. First day of your new smile: After the handover, first photos and pictures can come! 🙂
8. Controls: Participating in routine checks to preserve guarantee.
Even if it turns out there is not enough cancellous bone in your jaw, there is no problem as we are able to help this in our surgery.
We have established our surgery in 2002 and ever since we have executed several successful All-on-4™ implantations.
We make advantage of our experience in the field of innovative new solutions.
We attend international conferences, courses and educations to keep our knowledge up-to-date.
Dentistry is our beloved profession.
You are welcome for a consultation!
Nándor and Carina.
Dental specialist
We have established our surgery in 2002 and ever since we have executed several successful All-on-4™ implantations.
We make advantage of our experience in the field of innovative new solutions.
We attend international conferences, courses and educations to keep our knowledge up-to-date.
Dentistry is our beloved profession.
You are welcome for a consultation!
Nándor and Carina.
Dental specialist
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