It is questionable if you have enough cancellous bone structure for dental implants? Do you need an accurate, reliable diagnosis?
Get a unique, 3D CBCT image to have the perfect treatment plan!
Perfect, high-resolution pictures.
We make the imaging for guest patients as well.
10-15 minutes after taking the picture.
Cone Beam CT is a special x-ray mapping technique which is able to show the exact structure of bone and teeth in three dimensions (3D) with an extremely low dose of radiation.
It became a fundamental instrument for dentistry, oral surgery and implantology which helps easily locating the position of the jaw and teeth.
Making dental CBCT image is available for everyone in our dentistry!
As (along with other things) 3 dimension CBCT was developed for the regions of the face and jaw, it is mostly used for the implantation of dental prosthesis and implants. This instrument eases the mapping of the bone structure, thus helping to examine the condition of the bone and to plan dental implantation. It means smaller surgical risk and bigger safety.
Besides, it makes periodontal diseases accurately diagnosable and CBCT also makes easier the mapping of gingival pockets. Therefore, planning tooth replacement is much more precise, which expands the lifetime of the dental prosthesis.
In case of root canal treatment the dental root can be treated with bigger safety, so we can save more teeth. With the help of CBCT, the root and the inflammation can be mapped better, thus the condition of the tooth is easier to diagnose.
Thanks to this technology, CBCT imaging is completely safe, takes only a few minutes and of course it is painless.
It looks similar to a traditional Panoramic X-ray system, but for making the image it is not necessary to put occlusal splint to the patient’s mouth. It’s comfortable, as the patient can even sit and is not surrounded by a closed encirclement.
During X-ray imaging the radiation source and the sensor makes the images while turning around the patient’s head, thus making the full 3D mapping of the patient’s teeth and jaw.
Traditional panoramic X-ray imaging comes with a certain amount of distortion. Magnification is not even at different areas of the image and other areas cannot be seen or get blurred, unclear. In contrast, CBCT takes perfect images with tenth of a millimetre accuracy. Besides we not only get information about the quantity, but also the quality of the cancellous bone structure which has a great importance in diagnosis and the treatment plan.
Only 56 minutes by car.
With state-of-the-art quality.
Painless treatments, stress-free environment.
If you honestly keep our regulations.
We have established our surgery in 2002 and ever since we have executed several successful All-on-4™ implantations.
We make advantage of our experience in the field of innovative new solutions.
We attend international conferences, courses and educations to keep our knowledge up-to-date.
Dentistry is our beloved profession.
You are welcome for a consultation!
Nándor and Carina.
Dental specialist
We have established our surgery in 2002 and ever since we have executed several successful All-on-4™ implantations.
We make advantage of our experience in the field of innovative new solutions.
We attend international conferences, courses and educations to keep our knowledge up-to-date.
Dentistry is our beloved profession.
You are welcome for a consultation!
Nándor and Carina.
Dental specialist
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